On Thursday, WHO chief Tedros teared up as he begged world leaders to support his organisation.
During a speech in Geneva, the bureaucrat lamented over the supposed lack of leadership from world leaders

“Are we unable to distinguish or identify the common enemy? Can’t we understand that the divisions and the cracks between us are an advantage for the virus?”
He goes on to claim that ‘many of us warned that a catastrophic respiratory pandemic was inevitable’
He called for an inquiry into the handling of the epidemic after criticism that he and the WHO at large have done nothing but acts in the best interest of China and the Communist Party.
These accusations come after President Trump, in May, said that the WHO wanted to mislead the public about the truth regarding the global situation.

DoD photo by R. D. Ward. (Released)
Former PM of New Zeland, Helen Clark, who will lead the inquiry has criticised member states for not reporting to the WHO quick enough. She has also reaffirmed her bias to the World Health Organisation claiming that the WHO did the best job possible in the circumstances.
In April, President Trump announced a suspension of funds to the World Health Organisation. The United States on Tuesday officially notified the US congress about the intention to leave the World Health Organisation. The Chinese Foreign minister rebuked the decision saying that it was “another demonstration of the US pursuing unilateralism, withdrawing from groups and breaking contracts”.
The US is due to leave the WHO officially in 2021.