The Home Secretary has threatened to hand out larger sentences to violent climate change protestors.
Priti Patel is considering the option of officially labelling Extinction Rebellion an ‘organised crime gang’, which would allow militants to be charged with up to five years in jail.
These measures are being considered following Extinction Rebellion protests over the weekend, which are widely perceived to be attacks on the freedom of the press. Publications including The Times, The Sun and The Telegraph all faced protests outside their printing facilities, which disrupted their printing and caused delays to the papers’ distribution.
Mrs Patel wrote in a column in the Daily Mail, in which she said she was “disgusted to see over the weekend that this institution, and the values we hold dear as a tolerant and free country, were threatened by Extinction Rebellion because it did not fit with their agenda.”

She also said that 80 people had been arrested so far for attacking the printing presses, and that 655 had been arrested in the last few weeks for breaking the Public Order Act.
In a statement to the protestors, she continued: “My message to these individuals is clear – as you plot and scheme to curtail our freedoms, you are committing criminal acts, and be in no doubt you will face the full force of the law. You will be punished for your actions.”

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She finished off her article by saying: “I am committed to ensuring that the police have powers required to tackle the disruption caused by groups such as Extinction Rebellion and I will be looking at every opportunity available, including primary legislation, to ensure that there is a full suite of tools available to tackle this behaviour.
We must defend ourselves against this attack on capitalism, our way of life and ultimately our freedoms.”