A contract said to be worth up to £350m has been awarded to UK firm BAE Systems.
The Farnborough based firm, which currently employs just shy of 86,000 people, is to provide cutting-edge analysis to influence and support UK Defence and Security decision-making.
The contract was awarded by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) to BAE Systems CORDA. Using leading-edge techniques and technology, they will provide the MOD and DSTL with analysis on critical strategy, policy and investment challenges.
Research conducted by BAE Systems can and will be re-purposed and shared across other governmental departments to assist with similar challenges which will help improve efficiency throughout the UK government.

The ASTRID (Analysis for Science and Technology Research in Defence) contract will run for 5 years and replaces the ASC (Analysis Support Construct) contract.
DSTL Divisional Head, Rob Solly, made the following statement; “The ASTRID contract will maintain the provision of high quality analysis to underpin decisions across MOD and our partners in wider Government. It will build on the successful collaborative approach of ASC, providing access to the best talent in the UK and overseas. We also aim to progressively and significantly exceed the MOD target of awarding 25% of the work to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) including non-traditional defence suppliers.”
Director of BAE Systems CORDA, Suzanne Harrison, said “We are excited about the opportunity to continue in our role as MOD’s partner of choice for analysis and decision support, and about continuing to work closely with partners across the supplier community. It has been fantastic under the ASC to see collaborative teams from across industry and government working to deliver essential support to defence and security decision-makers. Our approach to ASTRID will build on the many strengths of ASC, while bringing in new innovations to keep improving on the successes of the last 5 years.”