Hiring someone because they are black or female is racist and sexist against white men.
Many companies in Britain are now seeking to hire people simply due to their race, gender or sexuality, in an attempt to have an ethnically diverse, gay and female workforce, in order not to appear racist, sexist or homophobic.
However, hiring someone because they are black, female or gay means you are not hiring someone because they are the wrong race, gender or sexual orientation. This can only be described as discrimination and hypocrisy.
The English Football Association has launched a campaign to increase gender and ethnic diversity within the English football clubs, setting targets of 15% of new hires for senior leadership and team operation roles to be black, Asian or mixed heritage, while 30% will be female.
19 out of 20 clubs voted to implement the FA’s new ethnic and gender diversity code. Southampton FC was the only Premier League club to oppose.

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Evidence of hiring due to race, gender and sexuality can be seen on British television, as BAME people (Black And Ethnic Minority) and gay people are over-represented according to a recent study, which found that BAME people make up 13% of the national population but secure 23% of on-screen roles.
Lesbian, gay and bisexual people are nearly twice as likely to appear on television, where they take 11.9% of roles while making up 6.4% of the national population.
Dr Martin Luther King wanted his children to “not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character”. People should be hired because they are the most qualified or best suited person for the position, regardless of race or gender.

Cheshire police force, accused of rejecting a potential recruit because he is a white heterosexual male, was found guilty of discrimination at an employment tribunal in 2019. While a diverse police force is important for representative purposes, competent police officers are just as important.