The incoming Health Secretary has provided hope to lockdown-sceptics with his recent comments.
Sajid Javid, the former Home Secretary, has promised in his first media appearance since his appointment to the lead the Department of Health to end the pandemic “as soon as possible.”

The previous incumbent of the position, Matt Hancock, is reported to have been one of the primary drivers of the continued lockdown policy. It was even rumoured that Mr Hancock hid information that would have kept the original Freedom Day – the day where all restrictions would be removed – intact. It has been suggested that his actions caused a delay to Freedom Day by almost a month, with the dates being pushed back from June 21st to July 19th.
Mr Javid said in a media appearance this morning:
“I was honoured to take up this position. I also know that it comes with huge responsibility, and I will do everything I can to make sure that I deliver for the people of this great country.

“We are still in a pandemic and I want to see that come to an end as soon as possible, and that will be my most immediate priority, to see that we can return to normal as soon and as quickly as possible.”
Mr Hancock resigned from his position as Health Secretary following a release of security footage which showed Mr Hancock kissing his aide and old university friend Gina Coladangelo. This encounter broke Mr Hancock’s own social distancing rules. Both Mr Hancock and Ms Coladangelo are married, with three children each.