A huge rally has taken place in Cuba against the communist regime in the country and the lack of freedom afforded to citizens.
Over the weekend, thousands of Cuban citizens took to the streets in the largest anti-government and anti-communism march for decades.
Footage from the protests showed the protestors chanting anti-government slogans as well as chants that expressed a desire for liberty. They were seen waving American flags as a symbol of freedom. The protests came amidst an 11% collapse in the Cuban economy.
One piece of footage showed protestors chanting “Cuba isn’t yours” towards the Government.
Another piece of video showed citizens chanting “freedom” in the face of the authoritarian regime.
Chants of “Liberty! Liberty! Liberty!” were also heard.
The protests, however, did not pass peacefully. There were multiple pieces of footage showing violence by the Cuban police forces against the citizens protesting.
This reportedly included a journalist being forcefully stopped from reporting on the protests.
In another video, the footage was alleged to show police officers showering protesters with bullets.
The police were also reportedly attacking protesters in a violent fashion. One woman was reportedly given a broken nose by police.