A survey commissioned by The Sun and conducted by OnePoll has shown that a majority of Brits think the BBC licence fee should be scrapped.
According to the poll’s figures, fifty-seven percent of Brits instead want a subscription service like Netflix or Sky, with only forty-three percent thinking the BBC provides value for money at its current £157.50 annual licence fee.
A further ten percent of the sample surveyed said they would be prepared to pay £160 or more for their fee.
This opinion poll is the latest problem in a long-running series of controversies that have recently hit the BBC.
The public broadcaster is still trying to recover from the backlash of Last Night of the Proms ditching the words to Rule, Britannia! and Land of Hope and Glory over concerns some have raised about the connections to slavery since the rise of the BLM movement in the UK. Others, meanwhile, have labelled these concerns as ‘woke’.
The survey also revealed that forty-nine percent of the people asked thought it was wrong to ditch the lyrics, while only one fifth believe that the songs are racist.
Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen said: “The BBC and its funding model is not fit for not only the future but even today.”

“They chose to stick with the licence funding model. As we have seen with the rise of Netflix and streaming services, that was a huge mistake.”
“Their decision on Rule, Britannia! just reinforces people’s belief that the BBC is run by and for a metropolitan elite that is completely out of touch.”