More chaos and rioting expected on the streets of UK Cities
So with news breaking of further protest/riots being planned, a map has popped up on the internet detailing the UK locations of historical statues for BLM potential targets. was registered on the internet on 08-06-2020 and is the brainchild of which is an advocacy group of sorts with signees from the who’s who of the usual Anti-Trump left brigade with its vague statement of “it’s not OK to normalise Trump’s agenda and the hate and fear it has sparked.” They were behind the publicity stunt of the Trump balloon being flown in London during his visit in 2018.

The Stop Trump Coalition is not just a website, but a London based limited company. According to filings from Companies House STOP TRUMP COALITION LTD was incorporated on 15th February 2017 by 3 individuals as sole shareholders. 2 of which have resigned their director status back in September 2019 – Michael Donald Chessum and Dr Luke Cooper.
The company is still active however with the main director being Thomas Steven Walker, who seems to have also been involved with the now defunct Socialist Newspaper Publications and some kind of left wing activist site called Crowdwave, which isn’t live or working. Some basic research on Dr Luke Cooper and Michael Chessum revealed an incredibly coloured history of militant left wing “agents of agitation”.
Who is Dr Luke Cooper? – This is where things get interesting…
First up is Dr Luke Cooper who is Assistant Professor of International History at The American International university Richmond – London and luminary of the London School of Economics. In his spare time he researches Sociology and writes reviews about Communism for Oxford University. He is also an avid die hard labour supporter, frequent Guardian contributor and anti brexiteer hosting the Soros funded “Another Europe is possible” podcast. Its goal is to get support to reform Europe as a political project, why Britain needs to go back into the EU, and exposing other such topics from the “pro remainer playbook ” of philanthropist George Soros.
Dr Cooper got into serious trouble in 2010 however when he was charged with masterminding the Student Millbank Tower riots that destroyed the Conservative London Headquarters injuring dozens of police officers and causing untold damage. 50,000 students stormed the streets of London between November and December 2010 with a small violent hand full smashing windows and setting fires, including jostling the car of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker bowls. The Doctors’ defence case was that he was whistling innocently at the back of the crowd, too busy handing out free left wing magazines to get involved. Dr Cooper was awarded a cash payout from the Evening Standard and Associate Newspapers over the “damage to his reputation” as a result of the court case against him.

Who is Michael Chessum
Mr Chessum hails from the ranks of Momentum and he too was also deeply involved with the violent student protests back in 2010. These riots also ended up with the vandalism of Winston Churchill’s statue in London, (Michael awkwardly defends the actions here on the BBC). Chessum had a stint as the steering committee member for Momentum and is also another activist for Another Europe is Possible – where he served as national co-ordinator.
Mr Chessum was deeply involved with the revolt against the Labour Party after Corbyn was defeated and as a result, went to help set up Forward Momentum(or rather Momentum 2.0), which is basically a rehash of the old Momentum with the same old tired policies of open borders, “migrant rights” and vague cliche statements of “inclusion”, “coherent fight against bigotry”, “building power in our workplaces and communities”. The exact same policies and meaningless word salads that failed to get Labour any traction at the last General Election.
The only thing of note here is the plan to de-fund the Momentum office in London and move some operations to the North, in a too late attempt to challenge the now Tory seats recently taken there.
Outside of this Chessum is a massive prolific socialist writer who also frequently contributes to The Guardian, The Independent, New Statesmen and VICE UK. He has even written for Novara Media with fellow communist and activist Ash Sarkar, who sparked controversy by fuelling far right conspiracy theories around her statements on the depopulation of white people in the UK.
Novara Media is funded by Marxist Trust and think tank Barry Amiel & Norman Melburn trust which aims “to advance public education, learning and knowledge in all aspects of the philosophy of Marxism, the history of socialism“. There is always a sense of irony when Communist philanthropists have to rely on Capitalism to perpetrate their goal of destroying Capitalism, through private funding via foundations and tax exempt trusts.
What is key here is the influence of George Soros and how much of his money these individuals are exposed too via grants and donations. Both Dr Luke and Michael Chessum are working members of OpenDemocracy, Another Europe is possible and VICE. Who all receive large swathes of cash from Mr Soros via his private tax exempt foundation. Both Dr Cooper and Mr Chessum are clearly comrades in arms for the Socialist revolution, it seems when they team up statues get wrecked and buildings get vandalised.
Make no mistake the Communist inspired threat is real, to cause social disorder, disunity and chaos on the streets of this country. Antifa’s goals are widely known including their tactics and violence, with the same links and sources of background funding and connections that keep popping up again and again.
Is it ok for these special interest groups, based on the Marxist doctrine, to use Black Lives Matter as a catalyst to their ends and goals? There is, after all, nothing stopping anyone getting rid of these statues legitimately, with petitions and local support from the communities in which they are based. Otherwise, it’s just vandalism, just when brutal rioting becomes “protesting”. This is not going to end well.